
发布时间:2017-03-10 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版


  Gradually, however, the sun managed to show through the dense fog. Yet how pitifully pale it looked! And soon it disappeared altogether, leaving the white thick fog to engulf everything and shroud mother earth.


  1,“钻”即“从…中显露”译为show through,在遇到不会翻或找不到对应词的动词时,我们可以用一个词组或短语将此动作描述出来~

  2,” 那也是可怜的太阳呢!光是那样的淡弱”意为“太阳的光线是那样弱,真是可怜”,合译为how pitifully pale it looked!


  I hate the all-obliterating fog!


  Of course I hate biting wind and icy snow too. But when they are compared with fog, I would rather have the former than the latter! Though biting wind and icy snow sometimes be a killer, yet they can also spur people on to greater efforts. O you fog! You plunge us into a state of depression and dejection, from which we struggle in vain to extricate ourselves as if we were bogged down in a mire.


  1,“寒风和冰雪的天气能够杀人“译为biting wind and icy snow sometimes be a killer,其中”be a killer”比“kill people”更加简洁生动~

  2,“雾,雾呀,只使你苦闷,使你颓唐阑珊,像陷在烂泥淖中,满心想挣扎,可是无从着力呢!”译为O you fog! You plunge us into a state of depression and dejection, from which we struggle in vain to extricate ourselves as if we were bogged down in a mire.

  ① 原文是一个长感叹句,译者将主要的感叹词提前,后面译为陈述句,方便行文

  ② “使…”译为plunge sb into

  ③ “陷在“译为bog down在英语行文中”像…”一般出现在句末或句中,此处为了意思流畅,将其置于句末

  ④ 译者巧妙地将“满心想挣扎,可是无从着力”和“烂泥谭”用一定语从句串了起来译为from which we struggle in vain to extricate ourselves,其中“无从着力”即“徒劳地”译为in vain,来修饰struggle“挣扎”


  About noon the fog turned into a fine misty rain like a curtain hanging still at the window. Some 30 feet away, a cloud of misty vapor prevailed, blotting out everything. The air was windless. Every now and then, the withered lotus stems in the pond in front of my door gave a sudden violent jerk as a red carp was seen splashing briskly out of the water to break the death-like silence.





  I wonder if the red carp’s aberration was due to its impatience with the unbearably oppressive status quo. As for me, failing a bright sunshine, I would rather have a violent storm. I cannot endure the fine misty rain which came in the wake of the gloomy fog to linger like a curtain hanging still at the window.


  1,“红鲤鱼的轨外行动”中的“轨外”意即“反常”或“异常”,故全文为the red carp’s aberration,意同the red carp’s abnormal behavior

  2,” 既然没有杲杲的太阳”意为“如无阳光灿烂”,译为failing a bright sunshine,其中failing 为介词,作“如果没有”解

  3,“愁雾的后身的牛毛雨”也是多层定语,其中“愁雾的后身”即“伴随着愁雾而来的”可以后置,译为the fine misty rain which came in the wake of the gloomy fog

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