
发布时间:2017-03-10 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版





  Mao Dun


  The mountain peaks directly facing the back window of my room were veiled in fog.


  1, 本句采用被动语态,突出施动者,也给人一种画面感~

  2, 将“雾”译为fog,而非mist,因为后者指的是“薄雾”,fog 指“雾,雾气”,smog指“烟雾”,haze则是指“雾霾”



  The names of these mountain peaks are still unknown to me. The first night when I was there I had seen the top of the highest mountain shining with lights like a precious crown set with diamond. As there was no electric light in my room, all I could do in the evening was sit quietly in the dark and fix my eyes on the midair radiance, which reminded me of the fairy tales I had read in my childhood. Indeed, the orderly array of lights shining in three indistinct tiers one above another against a background of dark mountain peaks could conjure up, without fail, visions of the ethereal.


  1,“我还不知道这些山峰叫什么名儿”译为The names of these mountain peaks are still unknown to me.译者采用无灵主语,符合英文表达习惯,也避免了连续使用I 开头造成的句式上的重复。

  2,“那时我的房里还没有电灯,每晚上在暗中默坐,凝望这半空的一片光明,使我记起了儿时所读的童话。”中的“没有电灯”与后文有隐含的因果关系,因此译为As there was no electric light in my room, all I could do in the evening was sit quietly in the dark and fix my eyes on the midair radiance, which reminded me of the fairy tales I had read in my childhood.

  3,“这排列得很整齐的依稀分为三层的火球”译为the orderly array of lights shining in three indistinct tiers one above another,中文多层定语,翻译时要分别前置和后置~


  In the daytime, however, it was all prosaic. The five or six peaks forming the front row were about the same height. The westernmost one had on top a cluster of houses while the rest were topped by nothing but trees. The highest one in the middle had on it a large piece of barren land, like the scar on a favus-infected human head. Now, as usual, the morning fog had shut out everything completely, including the not-too-distant wire poles.


  1,“并排的五六个山峰”多重定语,分前后,其中表状态的“并排的”可以后置,译为The five or six peaks forming the front row

  2,“中间最大的一峰”中表位置的“中间“可以后置译为 The highest one in the middle

  3,“濯濯” 指山坡上光秃秃的样子,译为barren land

  4,“癞子头”是指黄廯感染的头,译为favus-infected human head

  4,文中出现多次表示“遮盖”的词,译者根据不同语境,分别用了veil, shut out, shroud, obliterate作同义替换,记得总结哦

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