
发布时间:2017-03-06 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版


  1,“一声高于一声,清脆响亮,仿佛是鸣奏“其中,译者将”一声高于一声“与”清脆响亮“合译为with a rising clear and loud sound,使得译文也因简洁而显得朴实,贴近原文风格

  2,“我找来手电,顺着叫声到厨房角落里拨开扫帚、残菜、剩羹、废纸、旧瓶…”译为Torch in hand, I found my way to a corner of the kitchen by tracing the sound and then cleared away everything in the way, like brooms, discarded outer leaves of vegetables, leftovers, waster paper, used empty bottles, etc.本段为多动词句,译者将“找来手电”译为介词短语,Torch in hand=with a torch in hand,这种用法十分常见,如“(屈原)怀着悲痛的心情,抱了一块石头,投汨罗江自杀了。“译为Overwhelmed with grief and despair,he drown himself in the river,with a large stone in his arms.

  3,”… 一直清理到自来水管道周围湿漉漉的水泥地面,果然一只肥大的蟋蟀伏在那里”意即“我看到一只蟋蟀伏在自来水管道周围湿漉漉的水泥地面上“译为until my eyes fell on a big cricket on the damp cement floor near a water pipe.承接上句,继续以“我”作主语,保持主语一致可以使译文更加流畅,避免了转换主语的繁琐,“until”意即”最终“


  Xiao Qu left for home with the cricket.


  That night a complete silence reigned in our house. Our children had already gone to bed behind the closed door. My wife and I felt unusually lonesome in our bedroom. She blamed it on my having got rid of the cricket.


  Late at night, we heard the chirping of a cricket again. Ah, that must be another one! My wife and I were too excited to sleep. We were lost in memories of our child life in our rural home with the starry sky outside the antique window, the glowing of fireflies, the warbling of nightingales, the ever-present accompaniment of crickets' chirrups... We chatted on and on recalling elders at home, fellow villagers, kids in the neighbourhood, and so on and so forth. All the while, we were transported by nostalgia to our old home remote from Beijing. May the cricket settle down permanently under our roof!


  1,”分外孤独“和“前所未有的孤独”基本上传达了一个意思,即unusually lonesome~

  2,” 老伴埋怨我不该捉掉了蟋蟀”译为She blamed it on my having got rid of the cricket.“埋怨某人做某事”=blame sb on sth 可以学起来了

  3,“原来不只一只”采取反话正说,译为that must be another one!

  4,“回忆起”=be lost in memory ;”没完没了“=on and on

  5,“谁家和谁家的孩子“不宜直译,意译为kids in the neighbourhood

  6,“这一夜我们似乎远离了北京“意为”夜中思乡之情似乎把我们带到远离北京的故乡去了“,可以直译为Throughout the night, we felt as if we were in a place far away from Beijing.然而译者为我们呈现了另一种译法we were transported by nostalgia to our old home remote from Beijing,其中be transported into意为“在想象中被带入”,而nostalgic是文中的增益成分

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