
发布时间:2017-03-06 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版



  Getting Married at 81


  Zhang Henshui

  | 译文摘自张培基《英译中国散文选二》


  Jin Shengtan says, “People over 30 should not become an official, and people over 50 should not get married. Why? Because otherwise they would be doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.” That is representative of the mentality of people at large in China. According to the Chinese outlook on life, it is most enviable “to achieve success in one’s early years” but most sorrowful “to fail to achieve it until one’s old age”. Hence, even a successful man will feel like going to retirement when he is on the wrong side of 50.



  2,“用非其时也”意即“因为时间不对”或“因为那是在错误的时间做错误的事情”译为Because otherwise they would be doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  3,“少年得志”= to achieve success in one’s early years

  “大器晚成”= to fail to achieve it until one’s old age

  4,on the wrong side of=…岁以上,过了…岁;之前见过on the right side of 意为“在…岁以下”



  And those who continue to work out of necessity in their sixties or seventies must bemoan their plight. However, considering that men seldom live up to the age of 80, their personal concerns may seem to be impeccable. But, from the standpoint of a worthy cause, they are wrong. Because the older one is, the more knowledgeable and experienced he is and therefore the more indispensable he is to a great cause. Moreover, one should conduct oneself with self-confidence. Calling yourself a good-for-nothing on account of age manifests your lack of vitality.


  1,“就有抽身不得的慨叹了”即“想必会为自己的处境叫苦”或“就会感叹自己的苦境了”译为bemoan their plight

  2,“人生上寿不过八十”即“人很少有活过八十岁的” men seldom live up to the age of 80

  3,“就事业的观点上说”译为from the standpoint of a worthy cause,其中worthy意为“有意义的,有价值的”

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