
发布时间:2017-03-06 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版


  At a sudden gust of the autumn wind, the tree rustled like it was whispering secretly and the woman, being the only person capable of understanding the full implications of the whisper, immediately turned round. Then, after mumbling a few words to the tree, she said goodbye to it and set out on her way home with tears in her eyes.As the years went by, the woman, a regular solitary visitor on the path, became older and older.


  1,”一阵秋风吹过“即”秋风起“或”起了一阵秋风“,故译At a sudden gust of the autumn wind,其中at的含义是”由于“”作为对…的反应“

  2,“树叶沙沙地响动,仿佛隐秘的私语“译为the tree rustled like it was whispering secretly and the woman.”沙沙地响动“=rustle,简洁生动~拟声词在文学翻译中的作用也是应该引起重视的~

  3,“.惟有她才能听懂私语的全部含意“其实隐含了”因为“这层关系,因此译为being the only person capable of understanding the full implications of the whisper

  4,“小径上的女人孤独的背影,显得越来越苍老了“如果直接译为”背影变得苍老“会引起外国读者的困惑,因此可以按照”常见于小径上的那个孤独女人,显得越来越苍老了“,译为the woman, a regular solitary visitor on the path, became older and older.



  Several years later, the tree became even taller and was crowned with verdant foliage. It stood erect and became more and more luxuriantly green in the wind. It looked up at the firmament to watch the motions of the sun, moon and stars and thus merged itself with Mother Nature.


  1,“风吹来“也是采用介词+名词的形式译为in the wind,置于句中,凸显句式的简洁~

  2,”缀满“=be crowed with=be filled with,crowed 较filled更加生动

  3,“与…连成一片”=merge oneself with


  Another period of time afterwards, there appeared close to it a newly transplanted small tree. It was robust and quiet. With the passage of time, the roots of the two trees had become twined together. They each had a delicate small wooden cinerary casket buried underneath them. The ashes in the caskets had gradually turned into organic fertilizer passing into the trees trunks by way of the roots. The two elderly persons had successively chosen the same way of returning to nature so as to have life prolonged in the bosom of nature. Each tender leaf in the trees was pregnant with green hope. It’s a true story. It’s a poem singing the praises of tree burial. No need to identify the two elderly people though. It could be any person.


  1,“根茎错节,相互交织”即“树根相互盘绕”即the roots of the two trees had become twined together.

  2,” 两棵树下各埋着一个精致的小木盒”译为They each had a delicate small wooden cinerary casket buried underneath them. have done表被动~

  3,“木盒里的骨灰,逐渐化为树根下的有机肥,融入树身内”即“木盒里的骨灰,逐渐化为有机肥,,通过树根,进入树身”译为The ashes in the caskets had gradually turned into organic fertilizer passing into the trees trunks by way of the roots.by way of 已经粗线好多次了意同于through

  4,“是谁,就是谁”即“可能是任何一个人”,译为It could be any person


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