
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版

  How do you live with yourself?

  You should be ashamed of yourself.

  I'll give him a piece of my mind.

  *give...a piece of...'s mind 严厉批评


  I'll give him a piece of my mind for lying!

  I don't blame you.

  I'd like you to lie for me.

  Please don't involve me!

  I don't want to get involved.

  I got in trouble for lying.

  I told you so. 我早就说过了吧You shouldn't lie.

  See, I told you so.

  There now, didn't I tell you?

  You should have listened to me.

  My son stopped going to school.

  You knew that, didn't you? 你知道的吧?

  It is as if I had done something wrong.


  It's as if it's my fault. /It's as if I'm to blame.

  It's like I did something wrong.

  He chickened out at the last moment.


  Don't take it out on me. 冲…发火


  Don't take your frustration out on me.

  Don't treat me badly just because you had a bad day.

  I didn't do anything wrong!

  Pay up! 还我钱.Pay your debt! /Pay me back!

  Give me my money now!

  Can you wait till next month?

  You'll pay for this. 你会为此付出的

  You're out of your mind! 你疯啦!

  You're off your rocker. /You're nuts.

  You shouldn't say things like that


  Don't say stuff like that.

  It's for your own good!这可全是为了你

  I don't want to.

  It's for your own good!

  It's for your own benefit.

  It's for your own sake.

  You've got an ugly tie on.

  Why are you picking on me? 责备、挑刺(你为什么老是挑我的刺)

  He always finds fault with my work.挑剔(他对我的工作总是挑剔)


  Hold it! /Stop! /Cut it out! 等等!、停下!

  Hold it! It's time for lunch.

  It's about time. 总算到点了。

  Knock it off! *俚语,安静!、别动!

  Wait! You forgot your umbrella.

  Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.

  Wait a minute, please!

  Just a minute, please!

  Hold on! /Give me a minute!

  Uh-uh-uh! Leave the cake alone.别动!别动..

  I want it. 可我想吃。

  Don't do that! 别干那事/Stop it! /Stop that!

  Why are you doing that?

  你干嘛要干那种事. --Why not?

  Please line up! 请排队!

  Please make a line. /Please form a line.

  Don't cut in line! /Don't cut! 别插队

  Get in line! /Get to the end of the line!

  Please go to the end of the line.

  Sorry about that.

  Don't push! /Quit pushing! 别推!

  Don't shove!

  Get your hands off me! /Don't touch me!

  Don't call me names! 骂人、说脏话


  I didn't call you names.

  Don't be a blabber mouth! 别多嘴多舌的.

  Don't blab this to anyone!

  Mum's the word! 别声张!*mum沉默、哑

  Don't be so talkative! 多嘴的、好说话的

  Don't tell anyone my secret!

  Keep your lips sealed.

  Keep it out of sight. 要做得不露痕迹

  Okay. I'll try.

  I don't want anyone to see it.

  I don't want to see it ever again.

  Hi! That's a nice jacket.

  Stay away from me. 离我远点! /Stay away!

  Get out of here!

  Leave me alone.

  Drop the gun,放下枪/ no funny stuff!不许耍花样.

  Anything you say. 照你说的做

  I'm going to call the police.

  You stay out of this! /Don't get involved!

  Mind your own business! /Stay out of it!

  I'll finish the decorations for you.

  Okay, but Don't ruin it. *破坏、糟蹋


  Don't be a party pooper. *party pooper原指使宴会扫兴的人

  Stop fighting.别打架 --But he hit me first.


  Hey, you, freeze! 别动!

  Duck! 卧倒、蹲下

  You have to duck down here.得躲到这儿来

  Hands up! 举起手来/Put your hands up! /Hands in the air!

  Don't move! 不许动 /Don't make a move!

  You listen to me!照我说的做 /Do as I said!

  Get down! 趴下!

  Stay where you are!站住! /Halt! /

  Hold it! 站住!

  Move on! /Move! /Let go!

  On your knees! 跪下!

  Let go of me! 放手!

  Run for your lives! 快逃吧!

  Let's get out of here!

  Stop him/ her! 阻止他/截住她

  Can it! /Shut up! 闭嘴!

  Stand back! / Step back! 后退!

  Cut it out! /Stop it! 算了吧!

  You're under arrest. *逮捕

  Spread'em! *是指Spread them手脚分开

  Heads up! 小心!危险!

  Look out! /Watch out!

  Drop it! 放下!

  Get your hands off! 拿开你的手!

  Stay down! 趴下!

  Get lost! 快溜吧!

  Get out of here! 滚出去

  Back off! *闪开!

  Go away! 走远点儿!

  Leave me alone!

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