
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版



  I didn't get a raise.

  What a disappointment!真让人失望.

  That's too bad.

  What a let down!

  I'm disappointed with it.

  This is disappointing.

  I couldn't go. 我没去成

  What a pity. 太遗憾了。

  What a shame! 多倒霉!

  Isn't it though? 就是呀!

  What a bummer! /Bummer! 真失望

  I failed the exam.

  Too bad. /That's too bad!

  It was a waste of effort. 白费力了.

  It was a waste of my effort.

  My effort was wasted.

  All my effort went down the drain.

  Did you find him.

  No, he led me on a wild-goose chase. 没有,白费了半天劲

  All that for nothing. *前功尽弃

  It was all a waste.

  It was all for nothing.

  I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding.

  Yeah, you let me down. 是啊,你真让我很失望

  You disappointed me.

  I blew it. I lost the customer. 我真失策…

  Make sure it doesn't happen again.

  I screwed up. / I messed up. 我给搞砸了

  It's all my fault. 全都是我的错。

  It can't be helped. 毫无办法

  There's nothing you can do about it.

  How was it?

  It was a waste of time talking to him.


  Almost! 差不多了!

  Nice try. 干得不错

  What's wrong?

  I feel sad. /I'm sad. /'m unhappy. 我感到悲伤.

  I feel really sad. /I'm really sad.

  I'm really unhappy. 我感到非常痛苦.

  My dog died. --Oh, dear! /Oh, my!天哪!

  Boohoo. *呜呜!

  My heart broke.我的心都碎了. /I felt heart broken.

  My heart has been filled with grief.充满..(我的内心充满了悲伤.)

  The sad story depressed me.


  The sad story really brought me down.

  She stole my customer. 抢走..

  How ruthless! 真残忍!、真无情!

  How uncaring! /How cruel!

  Please talk to me.

  No one can understand how I really feel.没人能知道我的感受.

  No one can relate to me.

  Nobody understands my feelings.


  I feel lonely.我感到很寂寞

  I feel lonely without my husband.

  He'll be back next week.

  I'm lonely. /I feel all alone.

  I hate being alone. 我感到孤独.

  I don't mind being alone. 我不在乎孤独.

  I miss you. *含有I want to see you和I want to be with you这两种心情。

  I miss you, too. I'll be home soon.

  I feel lonely without you.

  I feel helpless without you.

  My son died, now I feel empty. 我很空虚.

  I'm sorry to hear that.

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