
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版



  Do you mind if I ask you a favor?


  No, not at all.

  Can I ask a favor? /May I ask u a favor?

  Would you give me a hand?能帮把手吗?

  Would you please help me?

  Would you mind giving me a hand?

  Could you help me out?

  I'm sorry to bother u,对不起. but can u help me?

  It's no bother. 没问题

  I'll be glad to.乐意为您效劳. /I'd be happy to. /With pleasure. /Love to.

  Could I possibly use your bathroom?

  我可不可以让我.. .

  Of course.

  If you'd like,... 如果可以的话.....

  If you want to,...

  Could you pass the sugar, please?


  Sure. Here you are. 给.

  Could I have the sugar, please?

  Could you hand me the sugar, please?

  Could you give me the sugar, please?

  Sugar, please.

  Here you are. /Here you go. /Here it is.

  What do you want me to do?

  Please do this. 请做这个.

  Please take care of this.

  Would you please do this for me?

  Would you drive me to the store?您能开车送我到那家店吗?

  Would you drop me off at the store?下车

  Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel?您能帮我找到ABC饭店的电话号码吗?

  My pleasure.

  I don't know how to fill out this form. 我不知道怎么填这张表.

  How do I fill out this form?

  Can you help me with this form?

  Tell me why.告诉我为什么.

  What's the reason?

  Why do you think that?

  May I borrow your pen? 能借用一下你的钢笔吗?

  May I use your pen?

  Is it okay if I use your pen?

  Do you have a pen?有笔吗?

  Do you have a pen that I can borrow?

  Can you lend me ten dollars? 能借给我十美元吗?

  Would you give me a call?

  Could you call me? /Can you ring me up? 你能给我打个电话吗?

  I'd appreciate it if u could call me tonight.你今天晚上如果能给我打电话的话我将非常感激.

  I'd be glad to.

  Please turn it down. 请关小点声. *turn down / turn up 开大/小声音; turn off /turn on 开/关

  Would you please turn it down?

  All right. 好吧!

  Not so loud, please.

  Please lower the volume.

  It's too loud. Turn it down.

  Wait here until I get back.等我回来.

  Please wait here for me.

  Excuse me. 劳驾..

  Can I help you?

  Pardon me.

  Hello, there! /Hi, there! 喂,你!

  Do you have the time? 你知道几点了?

  Do you have time? 你有空吗? --Sure.

  Do you have a minute?

  Can I ask you a favor? 我求你件事行吗?

  Sure. What is it? /Sorry, I'm busy.

  May I ask a favor of you? 我想打听点事.

  Could you do me a favor?

  Could you help me? /Can you help me?

  May I ask you something? 我想打听点事

  Sure. Go ahead. 当然,请说吧

  May I ask you a question?

  I'd like to ask you something.

  I have a question.

  Could you tell me something?

  Do you have time to answer a question?

  Could you answer a question?

  I hate to bother you, but can I ask you a question?

  Sorry for interrupting... 对不起.打断一下.

  Oh, you're not. 噢,没关系

  I 'm sorry to interrupt you.

  May I interrupt you?

  Excuse me for interrupting.

  Forgive me for interrupting.

  Guess what? 你猜怎么着?

  What? / You know what? 怎么啦?

  Sorry, I mistook you for someone else.

  That's all right.对不起.我认错人了.

  Sorry, I thought you were someone else.

  You're not who I thought u were. Sorry.

  Oops. My mistake. 不好,我弄错了

  May I use your phone?我能用一下您的电话吗? --Go right ahead.


  Just start the car!

  How should I do it?我该怎么做呢?

  I can't do it.

  This is the way you should do it.你该这样做.

  This is how you should do it.

  You should do it this way.

  This is how you do it.

  How's this? 这样做怎么样?

  It'll do the trick. 这样就会顺利

  It'll be effective. /That'll work.

  This looks better.这样看上去好一些.

  This is more pleasing in appearance.

  I like the looks of this one better.

  Let me show you how to do it.

  I'll do it my own way. 我用自己的方法做.

  I'll do it the way I want to.

  You eat sushi this way.

  Like this? 像这样?

  You mean like this?

  Like what? 像什么? --Like chicken.

  It's easy. /It's a cinch. /It's a snap.

  Just like that! 就这样、很简单

  Can you buy guns in America?

  Yes. It's easy,很简单 just like that!

  Just as if it were nothing. 简单得不能再简单了

  It's a little hard. /It's kind of difficult.


  It's complicated. /It's complex.


  This is the first thing to do.首先应该做这个.

  You should do this first.

  You dropped this. 你掉了这个.

  Oh, yeah. It's mine.

  I think you dropped this.我想这是你丢的吧.

  I think this is yours.

  Is this yours? /Did you drop this?


  Isn't this yours? 这不是你的吗?

  Doesn't this belong to you?

  It's mine. /It belongs to me. /Yes, that's mine. 是我的.

  Yes, it's my handkerchief.

  It belongs to me.

  I've lost my wallet. 我的钱包丢了.

  I'm in trouble!这下可麻烦了.

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