3,“最后一圈是拼搏的时刻”即“最后一圈是长跑者们鼓足干劲夺取胜利的时刻”,译为The last lap always witnesses the runners going all out to win success,go all out 意为“鼓足干劲,锐意进取”也可用exert oneself to
Nevertheless, we also see this moving scene: An exhausted runner, dragging a pair of weary feet and staggering as though about to fall into a faint, barely managers at long last to hit the finishing line after a desperate struggle. Oh, what a stirring moment! He may be the last, yet he is also a winner. He likewise deserves spectators’ warm encouragement and approving applause. People are deeply moved by his tenacity.
1,“拖着疲惫不堪的双腿,苦苦挣扎着,摇摇欲坠几乎昏厥的身子,终于奋力冲过封锁线……”首先要增主语An exhausted runner,其次要看句子间的关系,即“长跑者拖着双腿和身子苦苦挣扎后终于通过了终点”,译者将其译为barely managers at long last to hit the finishing line after a desperate struggle(很少有人在苦苦挣扎后能够坚持到最后),突出了跑者的艰辛。
Human life can be likened to the marathon race. All people, especially the aged who have already seen much of life, have the last lap. Septuagenarians and octogenarians are on the last lap of their lives after experiencing the twists and turns of life’s journey, meeting human beings of all descriptions and going through one obstacle after another.
1,“七老八十的人”译为Septuagenarians and octogenarians。
2,“艰难的世途”译为the twists and turns of life’s journey,twists and turns 通常做“曲折变化”“艰难”讲,是翻译中的常用词。
3,“芸芸众生”即“众人,各种各样的人”译为human beings of all descriptions。
4,“重重障碍”即one obstacle after another。
The last lap may be long or short; the runners may be fast or slow. Some may run with firm and steady steps and self-possession; some may run very unsteadily and out of step; some may be sluggish with faltering steps. What is worse, some may resort to dishonest practices; some, being slow themselves, may purposely stand in the way of others; some may run without adhering to the rules of the competition. Such people are doomed to failure.Whoever acquits himself well on the last lap is a winner.
1,“从容不迫”= self-possession(沉着冷静)
out of step意即“步子不协调”
2,“有的人拖拖沓沓,蹒跚不前”即“有的人步伐不稳拖拖拉拉”译为some may be sluggish with faltering steps
3,“跑入歪道的人”即“从事不法或不道德的事情的”译为resort to dishonest practices
4,acquits oneself well 意为“表现好”如Indeed, Celtic have shown more than once they are able to acquit themselves very well, just as their fans who always help them a lot.当然,凯尔特人队已经不止一次展示了他们自己的实力,就像他们的球迷那天,帮助他们很多。
(1) Xiao Qian (1910-1999), famous writer, journalist and translator of literary works.
(2) Marathon, Village of ancient Greece, on the east coast of Attica, some 25 miles northeast of Athens.