
发布时间:2017-01-13 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版



  难克服的‹obstacle›; 难对付的‹opponent, challenger›; 令人钦佩的‹intellect, qualifications›

  2.espresso noun

  (plural espressos) (coffee)蒸馏咖啡 (a cup of)一杯蒸馏咖啡

  While others point at pesticides, Bayer hasfunded research that blames mites for the bee die-off. And the center combinesresources from two of the company's divisions, Bayer CropScience and BayerAnimal Health, to further study the mite menace.


  1.blame:to blame [somebody]/[something] (for [something])


  who's to blame for the broken vase?花瓶打破了应该怪谁?

  "The varroa is the biggest threat wehave" said Manuel Tritschler, 28, a third-generation beekeeper who worksfor Bayer. "It's very easy see to them, the mites, on the bees" hesaid, holding a test tube with dead mites suspended in liquid. "They suckthe bee blood, from the adults and from the larvae, and in this way theytransport a lot of different pathogens, virus, bacteria, fungus to thebees,"he said.


  汉译英 passage1


  Mineral resources are natural formations as a result of geological processes of the earth‟s crust and surface. These natural resources, which come in solid, liquid and gas forms, are financially exploitable with current economic strength and technological sophistication.



  China is among just a few countries in the world that boast an enormous wealth of mineral resources, a wide array of minerals and high supporting capabilities. China has established proven reserves for 158 minerals out of 171 already discovered in the country. China‟s proven mineral deposits make up 12% of the world‟s total, but China‟s per capita share is equal to only 58% of the world‟s average level, ranking 53rd among all countries. Currently, mineral resources contribute 92%of primary energy sources, 80% of industrial raw materials, over 70%of agriculture production factors, over 30%of water for agriculture use and 32% of water for domestic use.

  “中国现已发现171种矿产资源,查明资源储量的有158种,”也可翻译成:China has discovered 171 varieties of minerals, and 158 of them with proved reserves.

  “目前,我国92%以上的一次能源、80%的工业原材料、70%以上的农业生产资料,30%以上的农业灌溉用水和32%的生活用水均来自于矿产资源。”也可翻译成:At present, over 92% of the country‟s primary energy, 80% of the industrial raw and processed materials and more than 70% of the agricultural means of production come from mineral resources.


  Mineral resources are an essential to human survival and social development. Going forward, mineral resources will be exploited at a faster pace so that we can tap their huge potential to sustain economic growth.

  汉译英 passage2


  We will further enforce the comprehensive strategy for regional development, and accelerate the development and opening up of the central and western regions. One of the major problemsChinafaces today is regional income disparity and imbalanced development. Blessed with a vast territory, abundant resources and huge potential for development,China's central and western regions provide important strategic space for development, convenient leeway as well as new points of economic growth.


  During the past decade or so,Chinahas made remarkable achievements in developing these regions through its strategy for the development of the western region. We will make even greater efforts to press ahead the development and opening up of the central and western regions, particularly the western region, draw up layout plans for regional development, and work out more effective policies and measures to speed up the construction of major transportation networks between the regions. We will develop local industries with competitive edge, and push forward the development of green, recyclable and low-carbon industries, so that the resources advantages the central and western regions now enjoy will add to their economic strength. We will also support the transfer of some industries in the more developed eastern regions to the western regions, make overall plans on coordinated national and regional development, advance urbanization actively yet steadily, and well exploit the potentials of the process to boost domestic demand, promote economic growth and improve people's livelihood.


  I believe that a new wave of western region development and opening up will add greater vitality to the Chinese economy, and help resolve the problem of imbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development in due course.

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