
发布时间:2017-03-17 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版

  Certainly. Where to, sir?

  Can you get me a taxi, please?

  Taxi, please. /Hail a taxi, please.

  How long does it take to get downtown? 到市中心得多长时间?

  How much does it cost?要花多少钱?

  How much will it cost?

  How much do you charge?

  Where to?去哪? /Where're you going?

  Where would you like to go?

  To Wall Street, please. 请到华尔街.

  To this address, please.请到这个地址.

  Take me to this address, please.

  I'd like to go to this address.

  Please take me here.

  I'm in a hurry. 我有急事。

  May I ask why?

  Take the shortest way, please. 请走最近的路.

  Could you wait for me, please?


  Stop here, please. 情在这儿停吧.

  Could you help me carry my bag?


  How much would it cost to get there?


  How much will it cost?

  Where's the bus stop?


  Is there a bus to the airport?


  No, I'm afraid not.

  How many stops to the museum? 美术馆(美术馆是第几站)

  When is the next bus to Narita?

  It's at 4:10.

  When does the next bus to Narita leave?

  How long do I have to wait for the next bus to Narita?

  What time is the next bus to Narita?


  How soon is the next bus to Narita?

  Does this bus go to the airport?


  Could you tell me when to get off?


  No problem.

  The bus has just left. 汽车刚走./The bus just left.

  We just missed our bus.

  The buses don't come on time. 汽车没有准时来.

  The buses are not punctual.

  The buses don't come as scheduled.

  The buses are always late.

  Is this seat taken? 这儿有人做吗? --No, it's not.

  Is anyone sitting here?

  Can I sit here? / Is this seat free?

  Do you mind if I sit here?

  Isn't the traffic heavy?路上是不是很堵车?

  Isn't it crowded?

  Isn't the road congested?


  Who should I ask about car rentals?


  I'd like to rent a car, please.我想租辆车.

  Did you book your car yet, sir?

  What type do you have in mind?


  A compact, please. 小型车就可以.

  Do you have any Japanese cars?


  What's the rental fee?


  30 dollars a day, plus 20 cents per mile.一天三十美金.每公里加20美分

  Do you want insurance? 您要上保险吗?

  I'd like full insurance. 我要上全部的保险.

  Can I drop off the car in...?我能把车放在..


  No outlet! 禁行!

  No parking!禁止停车!

  Can I park my car here?

  No, this is a no-parking zone.

  No passing禁止超车!

  One-way street单行线

  Road junction十字路口

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