
发布时间:2017-03-17 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版



  A subway map, please.


  Could I have a subway map, please?

  Where's the ticket counter? 售票处


  How much is the fare to Shinjuku?


  I'll find out for you. 我看一下。

  What is the fare to Shinjuku?

  How much does it cost to get to Shinj?

  What's the price of a ticket to Shinjuku?

  How much do I pay to go to Shinjuku?

  It's one hundred fifty yen. 150日元.

  Which train should I take to Shinjuku?


  Which train goes to Shinjuku?

  Which train stops at Shinjuku?

  Which train is going toward Shinjuku?


  Where am I supposed to change? 换车*be supposed to...应该…


  At Shinjuku.

  Where do I change trains?

  Where should I change trains?

  Where am I supposed to transfer?

  At what station should I change?

  Where am I supposed to get off for Ogi? 我要到Oqi在哪下车?

  You can change to the JR Line at Shinjuk. 到新宿换乘JR的中央线

  Where can I catch an express train? 快车 *特快是a limited express, 每站都停的车是a local train


  Go to track number two.到第二站台

  Go to track two.

  Take this train.

  Take the orange train.

  Take the Chuo Line. 坐中央线。

  How often do the trains come?


  How frequently do the trains come?

  How many trains run in an hour?

  When do the trains come?

  The trains come every ten minutes.


  The trains run six times an hour.

  The trains come very often.

  The trains come five times a day.

  When is the next express? --At 1:10.

  What time is the last train to Chofu?

  I'm not sure. Probably around midnight.

  Is the next train an express?


  Does this train stop at Chofu?


  Yes, it does.

  Will this train stop at Chofu?

  Does this train go to Chofu?

  It's the fourth stop from here.


  How far is it to Shinjuku?

  It's the fourth stop from here.

  After the next stop.下下站.

  The second stop. /Two more stops.

  How many stops are there to Shinjuku?到新宿还有几站?

  There are four more stops to Shinjuku.

  There are four more stops before Shinju.

  What's the next stop?下站是哪儿?

  What's the next station?

  Could u tell me what the next station is?

  Would you tell me what the next stop is?

  I was wondering what the next station is?

  Is the next station Chofu?下站是乔布.

  The next stop is Chofu.

  Where can I get a taxi?


  Where can I catch a taxi?


  There's a taxi stand up ahead.

  Do you know where I can get a taxi?

  Where's a taxi stand around here?

  Where's the taxi stand?

  Where's the cabstand?

  Call me a taxi, please.请帮我交辆出租车.

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