
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版

  You have to help me.

  I can't do anything about it. 那事我是不上劲儿.

  There is nothing I can do about it.

  I can do nothing about it.

  I want to work for this company.

  Sorry, I can't make that happen. 对不起,我无法满足你的愿望

  Do you want to dance?

  I'm not in the mood. 我没那份心情.

  I don't feel like it.

  I'm afraid I've got urgent business now.很遗憾.我现在有件急事.

  That's a shame. 真是太遗憾了

  Are you free today?

  No, I have other business to take care of.我有别的事.

  I'm sorry, but I'm busy just now.对不起,我现在正忙着呢.

  I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now.

  I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry.对不起,我有急事.

  Sorry, I don't have time.

  Not right now. 现在不行.

  Are you coming?

  Count me out. 我就算了吧.

  Count me in. 算上我一个 .

  Let's go drinking.

  I'd rather not. 如果可以的话,最好不.

  You have to...

  Enough. /Enough already. /That's enough. 够了够了.

  How about more salad?

  No, thank you. I've had enough.


  Why don't we have dinner together?

  Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me today. 很遗憾,今天我不够方便

  If it hadn't rained, I would have done it.

  That's beside the point. 没说到点上.


  Is it all right if I open the window?

  Is it all right to smoke here? …可以吗?


  No, this is a nonsmoking room.

  May I come in? --Please, do. 我可以进来吗?

  Is it alright to come in?

  May I enter?

  May I sit here?我可以坐着吗?

  Is this seat taken?

  Is someone sitting here?

  Is this seat free?

  May I play catch here? 我可以在这玩球吗?

  Of course you may.

  Do you mind if I smoke?


  No, I don't mind. 行,没关系

  Am I allowed to take pictures here?

  Yes, I think so.

  Is taking pictures allowed here?

  Are you permitted to take pictures here?

  Do they permit taking pictures here?

  Is it okay to take photographs here?


  This is my favorite picture.

  Let me see it. 让我看看 /Let me take a look. /Please show it to me.

  May I use your phone?我可以借用一下你的电话吗?

  Only if it's not long distance. 只要不是长途就行

  May I use the bathroom?我可以借用您的卫生间吗?

  May I use the rest room?

  May I use the washroom?

  Can I park my car there? --Yes, you can.我可以把车停在那吗?

  Is parking there okay?我可以看一眼吗?

  Is it all right to park my car there?

  Am I permitted to park my car there?

  May I take a look? /May I see it?

  You mean any place? / Any place?

  Do you mean any place?


  Anywhere's okay?


  May I use your phone?

  Go ahead. / Sure.行.

  It's up to you. /You decide.随你吧.

  Sure. /No problem. /Ok /Sure 可以thing!/Why not? /I don't see why not. /I don't see why it is not all right. /That sounds ok

  Let's go out drinking.

  I'm game! 行啊!

  I'm all for it. 非常赞成

  It's five o'clock now.

  if that's all right with you.如果你不介意的话

  If that's all right for you.

  Let's leave now, if that's all right with u.

  If it's all right with you,… *用于句首


  If it's all right with you, I'd like to go to bed now.

  Yes, please do. /Go ahead. 您请吧

  May I sit here?

  Yes, please do. /Sure, go ahead. /No problem.

  You may go home now, John.


  I'm afraid not.

  Is this the smoking section?

  No, I'm afraid not.很遗憾,恐怕不行

  I'm afraid so. *很遗憾是这样

  I'd rather=I would rather最好…

  May I smoke?

  I'd rather you didn't. 最好不吸

  Would you mind if I went with you?

  I'd rather you didn't. 最好不要.

  I'd prefer it if you didn't.

  I'd prefer you not to.

  I'd rather that you not.

  Would you lie for me?

  Not on your life! 绝对不行!

  Certainly not. /Not for any reason!

  No way! /Not a chance! /Fat chance!

  Not a chance in the world!

  Would you loan me ¥100,000?

  Over my dead body! 绝不可能!

  Never! /That will never happen!

  I will never let that happen!

  I'd rather die first!

  Are you going to the party?

  Nope! 不,不行。

  Have you finished? --Not yet.

  Could you help me? --Not now.

  Later. 过会儿吧

  May I smoke? --Not here.

  You may not eat here.你不能在这吃东西.

  I'm sorry, I didn't know.

  Eating here is not allowed.

  You can't eat here.

  Eating is prohibited here.

  Please refrain from eating here.

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