
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版



  I think it's very important.

  I agree. /I agree with that. /I'm with you. /I'm for it.

  I don't agree.

  Tokyo is too expensive.

  I think so, too. 我也这样认为.

  Let's see a movie.

  Anything you say! 好哇!

  I'm with u. /Okay, let's. /You're in charge. /You're the boss. /I agree with u.

  No objection! 没有意义.

  What do you think of my proposal?

  I don't have any objection to it.异议、反对(我不反对.)

  I have no objection to it. /I don't object to it./No problem here. /Sounds alright to me.

  How's tomorrow?

  That's fine with me. 我没问题。

  That sounds good.

  Sounds like a good idea to me.

  How was the proposal?

  How's everything?

  Fine.很好 /Good. /It's acceptable.那就行了. /Okay.

  How does that sound? 那样行吗?

  That's fair. 那就行了 /Fair enough.

  That meeting was awful.

  You can say that again. 我也有同样感觉

  I'll say. /Definitely.

  Let's go out!

  Sounds like fun. 好像挺有意思.

  Did you study for the test?

  You bet. 当然!/一定!

  That is for sure. /You know it. /I'd bet on it. /You can bet on it. /Bet on it. /Of course. /It goes without saying. /That goes without saying. /You betcha.

  Are you for or against his idea?


  How is it?

  The boss approved my proposal.

  Good. /It's good. /Great! 太棒了!

  Let's do this part first.

  Good idea. /Good thinking.

  Bad idea. 馊主意。

  Don't you agree? 你同意吗?

  What you say is partly right. *部分的


  You are partially correct.

  I agree with you partially. 我部分同意


  I know I'm correct. 我认为我是正确的。

  I don't agree. *比I can't agree.语气要强


  I don't agree with that. /I don't agree with you.

  All politicians are liars.

  I can't agree. 我不能同意. /I can't agree with that. /I can't agree with you.

  Do you think it's true?

  I doubt it.我怀疑. /I don't think so.

  It's not likely to happen. 才不会发生呢!

  We found out that he wasn't there.

  Objection! / I object! 我反对

  That's not what you said.你不是这样说的.

  You didn't say that.

  I'm telling the truth.

  I can't buy that! 我无法相信.

  That doesn't make sense. 那不合乎道理

  That's ridiculous! 那太荒谬了

  I refuse to believe that. 我不敢相信

  Let's cheat. 我们糊弄一回吧。

  Bad idea.坏主意. /That's a bad idea. /That's not a good idea. /Not a good idea.

  How is it? --No good. 那可不好哦!

  That's no good.

  Let's go drinking.算了吧!

  Let's not. 算了吧!

  He's guilty. 他有罪

  That's impossible. 那不可能.

  Impossible. /That can't be.

  I saw you steal the money.

  That's absolute nonsense.那完全胡说八道.

  Don't be so unreasonable.别那么不讲道理

  That's out of the question. 那根本不可能

  That's quite impossible.

  I think it's a good idea.

  It won't work. 恐怕行不通

  It will work. 看起来不错

  You always work late.

  Not always. 不总是这样

  Not really. 不是那样、不…

  Do you want to go out for dinner?

  --Not really. 不太想去

  Was it fun? --Not really.

  It must be expensive. --Not really. /Not especially.


  Are you Ms. Tanaka?

  Yes, I am. /Oh, yes! /Oh, yeah! *很肯定

  No, I'm not.

  Do you like movies? --Yeah.*随意

  Is John off today?

  I think so. 我想是的 /believe so. /So they say. /So I understand. /I suppose so. /To my understanding.

  You're from Canada, right?

  Right. /That's right. /Yes. /Correct. /That's correct. /You're correct. /That's true.


  Is that right?

  Absolutely! 一点儿没错!

  Do you want to go?

  Absolutely! /Definitely. /That's it exactly. /Exactly.

  Not exactly. 未必/不全是

  Is it true? --In a word, yes.一句话,是 /Absolutely.

  What do you think?

  You're perfectly correct.你说的很对.

  You're quite right. / You're exactly right.

  You're absolutely correct.

  In a sense he's right.在某种意义上他是对的.

  Let's push this button.

  That's it! 啊,对啦!

  Let's try this way. --That's it!

  That's a winner. /Sounds like a winner.

  That's not it. 啊,不对。

  Do you mean this one?

  You got it. 正是!

  You've got it. /That's right./You know it.

  We should fire him.

  Your answer is to the point. 你说到点子上了.

  Your answer is very to the point. 确实

  That's a very straightforward answer.

  It's true.

  I bet. 应该是的 .

  Would you like some more?

  Why not? ①好的 /No reason not to. /Sure. /Thanks. /No problem.

  You can't see your friends today.

  Why not? ②为什么不行?

  You play tennis, right?

  Bingo! 对啰!

  We should lower taxes!

  Hear, hear! 说得对!说得对!

  I'd like a wake-up call, please.

  Yes, sir. / Yes, ma'am. 是.先生/是.女士.*对女性

  No, sir./No, ma'am.

  It's a hard job.

  No doubt. /No doubt about it. /You said it. /You can say that again. 确实是.

  That's doubtful.

  I'll help you after dinner, okay?

  Fair enough. 当然行!

  That's fair. /That's reasonable.

  Did you lose your wallet?

  I'm afraid so. 恐怕就是这样了

  Do I have to do it again? --I'm afraid so.

  I don't think it's a good idea.

  Your opinion is reasonable. 你的意见有道理.

  Your opinion stands to reason.

  That's a reasonable opinion.

  Your opinion is unreasonable.

  I'm telling the truth.

  If you say so. 如果你说是,那就是吧

  Is he coming?

  Yeah, as far as I know. 是的,据我所知。

  Yeah, as far as I can tell.

  Yes, to the best of my knowledge.

  Yes, I think so.

  Have you finished your homework yet?

  I'm going to. 我这就做!

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