
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版


  You're lying. --No, I'm not. 不,没有./我不是/Yes, I am.

  You're from Canada, right?

  Wrong. /Right.

  Go this way.

  No, that's not right. 那是不对的. /That's not correct.


  Everyone lies. There is nothing wrong with it. 大家都撒谎,这没什么不好的

  Your idea is fundamentally wrong.


  There is something fundamentally wrong with your idea.

  Your idea lacks morals. 你的想法真缺德

  Are you saying you're better than I am?

  That's not what I mean. 我不是那个意思.

  I didn't mean that.

  You misunderstood me. 你误会我了

  Did you cheat?

  Certainly not. 哪有的事/当然不是.

  Of course not.

  Haven't you been abroad?

  No, never. 没有,从来没有.

  Aren't you tired?

  No, not a bit. 不,一点儿都不。

  I think she's pregnant. 怀孕

  No way! 肯定不对!/Never. /Definitely not! /Absolutely not! 绝对不会


  I can't find my wallet.

  How can that be? 怎么可能呢?

  How could that be? /That's impossible.

  How can it be true?

  We don't agree on this point. 在这点上,我们意见分歧.

  I'm not talking about that.我没说那个.

  What I'm saying is another matter.

  That's not what I'm talking about.

  Are you free tonight?

  Uh-uh. 这个嘛…

  Uh-huh. 嗯

  That won't do. 那样不行.

  He got a promotion.

  He won't do. 他呀,不行.

  That makes no sense. 那也太没道理了.

  That doesn't make sense.

  Makes sense. /That makes sense.

  Who broke my coffee cup?

  Not me. 不是我./It wasn't me. /I didn't do it.

  I didn't say that. 我没说那事

  I'm innocent. 我是清白的

  I heard you say it.

  I deny that. 我否认


  Maybe也许吧. /perhaps /possibly 偏否定,概率只在40%

  Probably 语感积极,概率在80%-90%

  Can you finish the report by Friday? -Maybe.

  It may possibly rain, but it will probably be sunny again.

  Possibly. /Perhaps. /Probably.

  Do you agree? 你同意吗?

  Not exactly. /Not quite.不完全同意

  Don't you think Japanese people are healthier?

  I guess so. 可能是吧/I suppose so.

  Do you think it's true?

  It might be true. /It's possible. 也许吧(偏否定)

  What do you think?

  It could be true. /That could be./That could be true. 也许吧(偏肯定)

  Is he in the office now?

  I'm not sure.我不太清楚.

  I'm not certain. /I can't say for sure.

  It'll be sunny tomorrow.

  I hope you're right. 但愿是这样 .

  Is your dog big?

  Sort of. /Kind of. 差不多吧!

  Is this it?

  Yeah, it's something like that.嗯,差不多吧

  That's about it. /That'll do. /That's about right.

  Don't you think you can save more money in Tokyo?

  It depends. 那得看情况 *depend on a case by-case basis基于具体情况

  That depends.

  Are you going to ask him?

  Maybe yes, maybe no. 也许是,也许不是

  Can you play tomorrow?

  Hopefully. 但愿如此 /I hope so.

  Will it make money?

  There's no guarantee. 不能保证./I can't guarantee it.

  Will it rain today? --I think so. 我想是的.

  Do you know where they are?

  I can't say.我说不好. /I couldn't say. /I can't say for certain. /I can't say for sure. /I couldn't say for certain. 我说不好

  Are the people friendly?

  Yes and no. 也是也不是.

  Fifty-fifty. *俚语。

  Is that new plan effective?

  Half and half. 难说 *喜忧参半/一半一半

  Can you find him?

  I'll try. /I'll do my best. /I'll try to.我会试试.

  Is your boss nice to you?

  It's difficult to say. 怎么说呢/It's hard to say.

  Is he a good salesman?

  Could be better. 还可以更好点.

  He gave me an ambiguous answer.

  His answer was very vague.


  He wasn't very clear.


  So, you should buy it now.

  Let me think about it. 让我想想.

  Give me time to think it over.

  I need some time to think it over.


  I need more time to think about it.

  Do you like my idea?

  I'll consider it.我会考虑的.

  Will you come to my party?

  I'll think about it. 我考虑考虑吧

  I'll give it some thought.

  Will you approve the proposal?

  I'll think it over.我得琢磨琢磨.

  Please give me a raise. 请给我涨工资

  Let me sleep on it. 给我一个晚上的时间考虑

  We need longer breaks.

  I'll see what I can do. 我得研究研究.


  I like New York in June.

  How about you? 你呢?--Me, too.

  What about you?

  What do you think? 你觉得呢?

  I think it's all right.

  What do you say?

  How about it?

  What's your answer? 你的意见呢?

  What's your opinion?

  What's your viewpoint?

  What's your point of view?

  What's your suggestion?你的建议呢?

  What do you suggest?

  What else? 还有别的吗?/Anything else? /What's left? /Missing anything? 还有别的吗?

  Any question will do. / Ask anything. 随便问吧/什么问题都可以.

  What do you recommend?


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