
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版

  Your kindness is unwanted.

  Your kindness is unwelcome.

  I don't want your kindness.

  Get out of here! 给我出去!

  They're just kittens.小猫

  Go away! 一边去!

  Get lost! 你给我消失!

  Take a hike!


  Get out of my face! 别让我看见你!、走开!

  What did I do wrong?

  Back off! 躲开!

  Step back! 后退!

  Let's play this game.

  Don't bother me! 别打扰我!I have to finish my homework.

  Are you trying to get rid of me? *轰走,去掉,摆脱”(你想把我哄走吗?)

  No, I've just been busy.

  Are you trying to avoid me? 躲


  Liar! 骗子!

  Don't call me a liar!

  He drinks too much.

  That's a lie! 那是瞎说!

  That's a filthy lie. 那纯属骗人

  He's a filthy liar. 他是个丑恶的骗子

  Don't lie to me. /Don't tell me lies.


  Ha, ha, ha... She's so stupid!

  Stop joking! 别开玩笑!

  Quit your kidding.

  Cut it out. 别弄! *放弃,停止

  Knock it off 住手!/住嘴!

  I've had enough of your nonsense. 废话(你开玩笑应该适可而止.)

  Stop putting us on. *骗人,捉弄人

  (别捉弄人)--I'm not!

  Stop joking with us.

  Stop fooling us.

  Stop pulling our legs.

  Don't act stupid! 别干那种傻事!

  It's just a joke. 只是个玩笑。

  Don't act silly. /Don't act dumb.

  Don't be silly! /Don't be ridiculous!

  Don't talk silly. 别说傻话./Don't say stupid things.

  Don't be foolish!

  That's stupid. 那也太蠢了.--But it's true.

  Bullshit! /Bull! *真蠢!

  I won a thousand dollars!

  Don't pull my leg! 别逗了!

  Don't talk nonsense!

  Don't talk stupid!

  Liar! --I'm not a liar!

  Take it back!收回话

  I don't want to hear any more of your lies.我不想听你说的谎话.

  I don't want to hear your bull.

  I don't want to hear you lying to me any more.

  Did you make up a story? 你在编故事吗?

  I'm telling the truth.

  Are you telling lies?

  Is that the truth?

  Phony! *搞什么鬼!


  I don't know.

  Don't play dumb! 别装傻!

  Don't act stupid!

  Don't pretend you don't know!

  You tricked me. 你在骗我吧

  Gimme a break. 哪有的事儿。

  What are you talking about?

  You scammed me. 你骗了我。

  You pulled one over on me. *pull one over 骗,让…上当

  None of your tricks will work on me.

  *trick欺骗,搞鬼。work on起作用、有效


  You can't trick me.

  I'm not easily fooled.


  You coward! 胆小鬼!

  You chicken! *chicken-胆小鬼,turkey火鸡-傻瓜

  Scared cat! /You sissy! /You wimp!

  Nobody's perfect! 人无完人!


  Fuck you! /Screw you! /Go to hell!


  You asshole! 饭桶! /You jerk! /You shit! /You idiot! /Stupid! /You fool!

  Christ! *混帐!/天哪! /Oh, my god!

  You beast! *你这畜牲!

  You animal! /You pig!

  You tomboy! 野丫头!

  You sly dog! *滑头的家伙!

  You're sneaky! /You're shrewd!

  You're clever!

  Fag! /Faggot! 同性恋!

  Hey, ugly! 丑八怪!

  Fatso! 肥猪! /Fatty! /Whale!

  Cow! 你这母牛!/你这娘们!

  Pig! 猪猡!

  Shorty! 矬子!

  Shrimp! 矮矬子!

  What an ungrateful man! 忘恩负义

  You lowlife! 下流胚

  You scum!

  Stop trying to be cool!别硬装酷了!

  Give it up!


  Excuse me. I'm lost.

  Calm down. 镇静些Where are you going?

  Oh my God! Oh, no! What am I going to do!? --Just calm down. /Cool down.

  Take it easy. Don't work so hard. 别紧张

  I can't take it easy. This is due in the morning.

  Don't over do it. 别干得太多!

  Don't overextend yourself.

  What? You mean I'm too short?

  Don't get so uptight. 别当真。

  Don't get so worked up.

  Don't be so stiff. 放松点儿.

  Kick back! /Loosen up. 随便点、放松点

  Kick back, make yourself at home.

  Just relax! /Take it easy!

  I'm sorry, I'm going to be a little late.

  That's okay. Take your time.不用着急

  Wait! I need to go to the bathroom.

  There's no need to rush. 别急。

  You don't need to hurry.

  No rush. /No hurry.

  Don't rush on my account. 不用为我着急


  Let's make up. 我们和好吧! --Yeah, let's.

  Let's kiss and make up.

  We had a fight today.

  Did you make up? 和好了吗?

  Stop fighting! 别打了.

  It's over. Get out!

  Can't we talk it over? 我们就不能谈谈吗?

  Can't we work it out?

  Let's talk it over.

  Try to get along.要好好相处.

  Be nice to each other.

  Let's forgive and forget!过去的事就让它过去吧.

  Let bygones be bygones.

  Who did it?

  You've got me. 糟了,让你逮着了.

  I give up. /I'm beaten. /You win.

  I won. /I've beaten you.你输了 /You've lost.

  You're a loser. /I'm a winner.

  I didn't mean to hurt you.我无意伤害你

  I meant no harm.

  I missed you. 我很想念你.

  I get lonely easily.我是个容易感到寂寞的人.

  Can't you patch things up? *用patch up表示“平息争吵、和好”。

  Isn't there any way u can patch things up?

  Can't you make up?你们就不能和好吗?

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