
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版

  I need more time.

  It'll take me longer than ten minutes.

  Ten minutes isn't enough time.

  He looks down on me. /He despises me.他看不起我.

  He respects me.

  You're good for nothing. 你什么忙也帮不了.

  I hate that noise.

  It drives me crazy. /It makes me crazy.简直快让我疯了.

  It drives me up the wall.

  I'd like this one, and that one, please.

  Is that all? /Is that it?就这些吗?

  Anything else?

  I'll give you 10% off.

  That's not enough. 这不够/这太少了How about 20% off?

  I'd like more. /I need more.

  He's unfair to me.他对我不公平.

  He treats me unfairly.

  He doesn't treat me fairly.


  It's boring.真无聊.

  Do you want to watch that movie?

  No, I hear it's boring.

  Dull. / It's dull. 没劲/真没意思.

  My life is dull.

  It's for the birds. 毫无价值!/不值一提

  I hate this class.

  I agree. It's for the birds.

  It's no good. /It sucks.

  I'm not interested.我不感兴趣.

  So, when do u want to go out with me?

  I'm not interested in you.

  How's your new job?

  It's nothing great. 没什么了不起的。

  It's nothing much.

  I'm not satisfied. /I'm dissatisfied.


  I'm not happy about it.

  I'm not content. /I'm discontent.

  How was the meeting?

  It was just another meeting. 很平常

  *just another 常有的,不稀奇的


  It was just a meeting.

  That meeting was nothing special.

  I can't get into my work. *专心做…


  I can't concentrate on my work.

  I can't get excited about my job.

  I've lost interest in my work.

  It's outdated. /It's out of date.


  I don't know her, I promise.

  Give me a break! 拜托!别玩花样了

  Tell me the truth.

  Get real. 认真点儿

  Stop joking.

  Get serious. 说正经的

  Stop kidding! 别耍我

  Stop pulling my leg! 别跟我逗!

  Tom is very rude.

  Yeah, I can't stand it. *stand 容忍,忍耐


  I can't take it anymore.

  I can't bare it anymore.

  I can't take the strain.

  I can't stand it any longer.

  I can't put up with it any longer! *忍受…

  Mom! She won't leave me alone and she keeps playing with my toys and...

  That's enough. 够了Stop complaining.

  I've had it. ,我受不了了

  I've had enough.

  I've heard enough!

  That's it.

  Enough is enough.

  Finish your homework first, then wash my car.

  Have a heart, dad! 饶了我吧,爸爸!

  The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I get. 越听越烦.

  The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I become.

  The more I know, the sicker I feel.

  There she goes again. 她又来了*用于常说同样话的人又开始重复同一话题时。

  Are you listening? I said...

  Oh, no! There she goes again.对第3人说

  She's starting it again.

  She's saying it again.

  No, you can't go.

  Oh, man! You never let me do anything. 哦,真烦!....

  I don't want to hear it.我不想听.

  I don't want to hear about it.

  There's one more problem.

  Now what? 这次又是什么?

  What else?

  What's next?

  What else is wrong?

  What is it this time?


  Shut up! 闭嘴! I don't want to hear it!

  You shut up! /Shut your mouth.

  Keep your mouth shut.

  Be quiet! 安静!

  Don't be a back seat driver. 别指手划脚!

  Stop shouting! 别大声嚷嚷!

  Stop yelling! 别吵!

  Keep your voice down! 小点声!

  You always come home late.

  Stop complaining! 别抱怨了.

  Calm down, 安静点will you? --Okay. I'll try.

  Did you fix my car? I told you to do it before dinner.

  Stop nagging me! 唠叨什么呀!...I'll do it.

  But you promised!

  Get off my back. 别再啰嗦了!

  Stop pestering me!

  Quit bothering me!

  Don't tell me what to do!

  Quit telling me what to do!

  I won't do it!

  Don't talk back to me! *顶嘴


  That's the end of it. 就这样!

  That's final.

  That's it.

  Let's meet at 5∶00. 我们5点见吧。

  It's settled. 好,就这么定了。

  He doesn't have a girlfriend.

  Shut up, big mouth!闭嘴. 多嘴!

  You've got a big mouth.

  You talk too much.

  Hey, baby, what's your name?

  Leave me alone! 离我远点儿!

  None of ur business.没你的事、用不着你管

  It's none of your business.

  Mind your own business.先管好你自己吧

  It is not your concern.

  It doesn't concern you.

  Stay out of it. 你别瞎搀和。

  I don't need your input. 用不着你帮忙。

  It's personal. 这是我的私事

  I don't think you should do that.

  Thanks, but I don't need your two cents. *用不着你管、这和你没关系

  I think you're wrong.

  Who asked you? 谁问你了?

  Who cares what you think?

  I didn't ask you.

  If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked you.

  I can't talk to you now.现在不能跟你说

  I don't need your help.我不需要你的帮助.

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