
发布时间:2017-03-15 00:00:00 编辑:云梦 手机版

  Alright! /Yeah!

  I won the lottery! --Lucky! 真走运

  Didn't that policeman give you a ticket?

  No, he didn't. I lucked out today. 没有,我今天运气真好

  I was lucky today. /Today's my lucky day.

  I feel lucky today. /I'm in luck today.

  I found $10.00 on the street.

  It's your lucky day. /That's fortunate. /You got lucky. 你真走运.

  We didn't crash. 我们差点撞上

  Thank heavens! 谢天谢地

  Thank God! /Thank goodness!

  I hit the jackpot! 我中头彩了!

  What luck! 太走运了!

  I struck it rich! 我发了笔横财。

  I was just lucky. /It was pure luck.


  It's a dream come true! 美梦成真.

  Mike got a raise!

  Talk about luck! 真走运啊!

  This must be my lucky day!

  Things are really going my way!

  What a lucky day!

  What is a good gift for Tracy?

  This is it! 就是这个.

  This is just what I was looking for.

  Why don't we go to New York?

  It's settled! 就这么定了.

  That settles it!

  Let's go dancing tonight!

  Sounds great! 听起来不错!/It sounds great!

  That sounds great!

  Look at that salad bar.

  Looks great! /It looks great! /That looks great!真不错!


  I passed! What a relief. 可以松口气了.

  Good for you. 太好了

  That's a relief! /I'm relieved.

  Everything worked out well.

  I'm relieved. 我总算可以松口气了

  I feel relieved. /I feel a lot better now.

  Happy birthday!

  I'm surprised! 吓我一跳!

  What a surprise!

  Whew! 好了!这下放心了!

  We made it!

  Thank goodness! /Thank God!

  Aah! 啊

  Did u hear that the meeting went well?

  Yes, I felt relieved to hear that.


  I was relieved to hear that.

  I felt much better after hearing that.

  Here we are at last. 终于到了

  Home sweet home.

  We've finally arrived.

  He finally left. 他终于回去了

  Good riddance. 可算摆脱了

  I'm glad they're gone.

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