Unit 2
Text A
Language Sense Enhancement
1. care 2. impact 3. orbiting satellites 4. warn of 5. location 6. at any given time 7. vibrate 8. detected 9. calculate
10. converted
Language Focus
4. 1) expansion 2) automated 3) vapor 4)take control of 5) hazards 6) satellite 7) vibrated 8) magnetic 9) bunched
10) in the air 11) got/was stuck in 12) approximately
5. 1) send out 2) stand up for 3) pass for 4) were closing in on 5)starting up 6)went through 7) fill out 8) fall
6. 1) incorporates all the latest safety features
2) two trees ten feet apart
3) awarding lucrative contracts to his construction firm
4) the prototype of a new model before they set up a factory to make the cars
5) are correlated in all racial groups
4. 1) the application/ has turned into a reality/ are poised to
2) that vibrate/can detect/frequency
3) lanes/are mounted in/alert a /hazard
II. Word Formation
Clipped Words: kilogram/memorandum/gymnasium/liberation/doctor/veterinarian/preparatory/ automobile/influenza
Blends: medical care/electronic mail/communications satellite/news broadcast/sky hijack/ European dollar/breakfast and lunch/television broadcast/Oxford and Cambridge
III. Usage
1) swimming pool 2) drawing board 3) enriched Middle English 4) disturbing change 5) fully developed prototype 6) canned food 7) working population 8) puzzling differences
Comprehensive Exercises