素质教育 education for all-round development
应试教育 exam-oriented education system
义务教育 compulsory education
初等教育 elementary education
中等教育 secondary education
高等教育 higher education
职业教育 vocational education
学院 college/institute/school
普通高校 regular institution of higher learning
重点大学 key university
211工程 211Project
减轻学生负担 reduce burden for students
基础课 basic course
专业课 course within one’s major
必修课 required course
选修课 elective course
学分制 credit system
入学考试 entrance examination
入学资格 admission qualification
择优录取 merit-based enrollment
中考 middle examination
高考 higher examination
报名 application/sign up
毕业设计 diploma-winning design/ graduation project
毕业论文 graduation thesis
毕业证书 graduation certificate
同学 schoolmate/classmate
校友 alumni
元旦New Year's Day
情人节Valentine's Day
国际妇女节International Women' Day
植树节Tree Planting Day
愚人节April Fools' Day
国际劳动日International Labor Day
中国青年节 Chinese Youth Day
国际儿童节International Children's Day
中国共产党成立纪念日 Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China
中国人民解放军建军节Army Day
中华人民共和国国庆节National Day
中国教师节Teacher's Day
母亲节Mother's Day
农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)
农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)
农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)
农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)
农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)
农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)
农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)