斥巨资购置高端专业器材,形成了独特的教学优势:西部地区首台3D高清8+1电视转播车用于现场直播教学和实践; 近2000台3D、4K、高清摄影摄像设备和高端数字摄影机,在摄影摄像实训中发挥作用;3000多台后期编辑设备和图形工作站,供学生学习后期剪辑;“西部第一录音棚”和百余间专业录音棚、音频制作工作室、大型摄影棚、艺体中心提供省级以上广播电视台的节目合成真实工作环境。与索尼、松下、佳能、苹果、联想、微软和惠普集团共建索尼高清演播室、松下4K演播室、苹果培训认证中心,佳能影像工作坊、联想创新中心、惠普教育卓越中心、微软动力联合实验室,为追踪前沿的教学和科研,提供强大支撑;具有国际领先水平的全媒体交互式演播中心和具备省级电视台标准的全景式电视新闻演播厅、广播直播间和虚拟演播室,培养出大批引领行业新潮流的高级专门人才。
学院建院伊始即坚定走“应用型”道路,2015年被四川省教育综合改革领导小组确定为首批向应用型“转型”高校后,更是倾尽全力打造转型的“升级版”,各项具体措施正在紧锣密鼓落实中。以四川传媒学院为依托,建设的“府河源影视硅谷小镇”被列入“四川省新闻出版广播影视 ‘十三·五’发展规划”;后经科技部、国家科技奖励办公室批准,被中国产学研合作促进会评为“国家产学研合作创新示范基地”;再后来,以四川传媒学院等为主体的“新一代专业功能聚合型国家级影视基地”建设,被四川省人民政府列入2020年前完成的“高清四川智慧广电”专项。已与中国电信成都分公司正式签订了战略合作协议,未来在以四川传媒学院为核心的产学研区域内,将拥有最先进的通信手段和最具创新的产学研合作模式,进而带来系列现代传媒的创新性成果。相信在不远的将来,一所全国一流、世界知名的传媒大学,必将由四川传媒学院升华而来!
新浪微博:@四川传媒学院 @四川传媒新闻中心
Sichuan University of Media and Communications
About Us
Established in 1997, Sichuan University of Media and Communications (former Radio and Film College of Chengdu University of Technology) is located in the western high-tech development area of Chengdu. SUMC occupies around 330 acres in extent. The college campus contains administrative offices, teaching buildings, college libraries, studios, auditorium, students’ dormitories and multi-purpose labs. SUMC has a student population of more than 20,000 coming from different provinces, cities and autonomous regions. SUMC was highly praised by the experts from Education Instruction Committee under the Ministry of Education.
Missions and Objectives
The mission of SUMC is to educate students with different interests in art to develop in an all-round manner. The university focuses on all students and is dedicated to provide best opportunities to help them achieve their goals.
The objective of SUMC is to actualize the stated mission by helping all students to become practical, multi-skilled graduates with real industrial expertise as well as creativity and a global vision.
Facilities and Equipments
SUMC provides first-class facilities and equipments to help students receive an intense regiment of hands-on and classroom instructions.
·Over 30 classroom , laboratory and administration buildings;
·29 students dormitories;
·Well-equipped sports venues;
·Entertainment facilities, campus network, etc.
We have 90 practical training rooms to meet the specific needs of hands-on courses across different majors. Inside them are equipments with configuration that are mostly equal or higher than industrial standards, which can be used both in teaching and in real production. These include:
·Over 100 professional cameras and 500 digital cameras;
(450 of them are HD cameras, 10 are ALEXA, RED, Sony, Canon cameras for high and digital TV, Phaseone large format digital zoom back)
·3500 non linear editing systems;
·1500 graphic workstations for film and TV programs’ post production;
·40 studios for broadcasting major practice;
·150 studios for recording and dubbing practice;
·130 studios for painting classes;
·The first 3D, HD “8+1” mobile control room in western China;
·Around 4 acres of multi-functional art/ sports center;
·The first digital cinema in Chinese colleges and universities;
·4 independent TV channels and panoramic TV and broadcasting studios with provincial station standards;
·A large fitness center with over 300 fitness facilities;
·A creativity education center established with Lenovo, HP, Sony, etc.
·A training authentication center established with Apple, FanTart, DAYANG, etc.
With all facilities and equipments the SUMC hopes to provide work ready graduates with handful real world experience.
Faculties and Staff
SUMC has 12 departments offering diploma and bachelor degrees. Academic degree programs are primarily focused on Journalism, TV& Film, Acting, Art Design, Cultural Industry Management as well as Digital Media Technologies.
The university owns competent teaching staff. At present, there are more than 1000 full time teachers. Among them, more than 100 teachers own senior title, over 240 have associate title and over 400 teachers own master degrees. Experts in Media, Art, Information Technology, Education and technical personnel have converged in here. They are of different age groups, working full-time and part-time, and are devoted to help all of our students to succeed.
Outstanding graduates
As a result of the universities professional teaching, our graduates have shown prominent characteristic in their comprehensive abilities, creativity and practical working skills. Over 1500 awards have been earned by our proud graduates including 220 international, 500 national and 26 patents. The university’s work ready graduates have been highly welcomed by employers such like China Central Television (CCTV), China National Radio (CNR), provincial and municipal TV stations and renowned media companies.
International programs
The university offers diverse international programs for all students to broaden their views and to strengthen our international communications.
Master degrees
We offer Master degree programs to:
U.S – New York Film Academy;
Korea – Jeonju University;
Japan – Waseda University;
UK – Sheffield Hallam University
Diploma-Bachelor degree
We offer Diploma-Bachelor (top-up) degree programs to:
Korea –Cheju Tourism College, Jeonju University.
Students Exchange programs with 2 /3 years in China + I year oversea studies;
Summer vocation Study Tour programs to U.S, UK, Korea, Japan (Doshisha University), France and Germany;
Paid Internships to the U.S;
We also provide other programs with University of North Carolina, Hong kong Baptist University.
Bachelor Degrees
Broadcasting and Hosting
Bilingual Broadcasting and Hosting ( Chinese& English)
Aviation Service
Acting ( Fashion Show and Design
Choreography ( International Standard Ballroom Dance)
Choreography ( Calisthenics)