
发布时间:2017-04-07 00:00:00 编辑:吴健敏 手机版


  High heels/heels 高跟鞋

  Stiletto 细高跟

  Block/chunky 粗跟鞋

  Peep-toe pumps 鱼嘴鞋

  Mules 裸跟鞋:完全沒有包裹脚后跟的部分

  Boots 靴子

  Thigh-high boots 到大腿根的靴子

  Knee-high boots 及膝的靴子

  Wedge 坡跟鞋

  Slippers 拖鞋

  Flip-flops 人字拖

  Flats 平底鞋

  Platform shoes 厚底鞋

  Sandals 凉鞋

  Canvas shoes/sneakers 帆布鞋



  Chives 韭菜

  Spinach 菠菜

  Cabbage 卷心菜

  Chinese cabbage 白菜

  Celery 芹菜

  Cauliflower 菜花

  Broccoli 西兰花

  Lettuce 生菜

  Rape/cole 油菜

  Mater convolvulus 空心菜

  Tarragon 蒿菜

  Agar-agar 紫菜

  Turnip 白萝卜

  Carrot 胡萝卜

  Potato 土豆

  Tomato 番茄

  Eggplant 茄子

  Cucumber 黄瓜

  Loofah 丝瓜

  Pumpkin 南瓜

  Bitter gourd 苦瓜

  White gourd 冬瓜

  Sweet potato 地瓜

  Squash 菜瓜

  String bean 四季豆

  Pea 豌豆

  Lentil/ hyacinth bean 扁豆

  Soybean 大豆

  Mung bean 绿豆

  Soybean 黄豆

  Bean sprout 豆芽

  Lotus root 莲藕

  Lotus seed 莲子

  Garlic 蒜

  Green pepper 青椒

  Hot pepper 辣椒

  Onion 洋葱

  Ginger 生姜

  Garlic 大蒜

  Garlic bulb 蒜头

  Scallion 青葱

  Taro 芋头

  Ginger 姜

  Asparagus 芦笋

  Bamboo sprout 竹笋

  Mushroom / agaric 蘑菇

  Champignon 香菇

  Needle mushroom 金针菇

  Corn 玉米

  Aloe 芦荟


  Pineapple 凤梨

  Watermelon 西瓜

  Papaya 木瓜

  Chestnut 栗子

  Coconut 椰子

  Mandarin orange 橘

  Sugar-cane 甘蔗

  Pomelo 柚子

  Juice peach 水蜜桃

  Pear 梨子

  Peach 桃子

  Carambola 杨桃

  Cherry 樱桃

  Persimmon 柿子

  Apple 苹果

  Mango 芒果

  Fig 无花果

  Almond 杏仁

  Plum 李子

  Honey-dew melon 哈密瓜

  Olive 橄榄

  Durian 榴梿

  Strawberry 草莓

  Grape 葡萄

  Grapefruit 葡萄柚

  Lichee / lychee 荔枝

  Longan 龙眼

  Guava 番石榴


  Chili 辣椒

  Anise (star anise) 大茴香,八角,大料

  Aniseed 大茴香子

  Basil 罗勒,紫苏,九层塔

  Bay leaf 香叶,月桂树叶

  Cardamom 小豆蔻

  Cinnamon 肉桂

  Clove 丁香

  Coriander 香菜

  Cumin 孜然

  Fennel 茴香

  Horseradish 山葵,辣根

  Laurel 月桂

  Mint 薄荷

  Mustard 芥末

  Parsley 欧芹

  Rosemary 迷迭香

  Thyme 百里香

  Vanilla 香草


  Could you do me a favor? 能不能帮我一个忙?

  Would you mind doing……? 求人办事常用句式

  I was wondering/thinking if……? 我在想能不能/是不是……?


  I just don't get it. 我就是搞不懂.

  Sorry, I didn't catch you. 对不起,我听不懂你说的.

  Sorry, I didn't understand. 抱歉,我听不懂.

  Sorry, I didn't get what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话.

  I can't see your point. 我不明白你的意思.



  Procedure 手续

  Minimum 最低限额

  Surcharge 额外收费

  Fill in the form 填个表

  Sign the form 在表格上签名

  Dress code 着装规范

  Make a reservation 预定

  Confirm a reservation 确认预定

  Cancel one's reservation 取消预定

  First come,first serve 先到先得


  What's going on? 发生了什么事?

  How come? 为什么? (怎么会这样?)

  What's going to be covered on the test? 考试的范围是什么?

  Have you heard of ……?你听说过……吗?

  There you go! 你说的对.

  I have no idea what that is. 我不知道那是什么.

  What's the point? 重点是什么.

  You are a great help. 你帮了大忙.

  I can't hear you very well. 我听不太清楚.

  I'll give you a call if anything comes up. 有事我会给你打电话.

  Would you speak more slowly? 你能再说慢一点吗?

  I have to rush! 我得赶紧走!

  Leave me alone. 别管我.

  Don't push me. 别催我.

  I'm not that into ... . 我没那么喜欢…….

  Are you serious? 你不是认真的吧?

  I was only kidding. /I just say it for fun. 我不过是在开玩笑.

  You are making fun of me. 你拿我开玩笑.

  It won't work. / That doesn't work./It's not gonna work. 那行不通.

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