
发布时间:2016-09-12 00:00:00 编辑:肖兰‍ 手机版


  With the large number of dogs roaring through our communities, people need to know the facts about rabies (狂犬病), a fatal disease caused by animal bites. Despite vaccination (接種疫苗) programs, rabies is still very prevalent, and will continue to be a serious public health problem for many years to come.

  Rabies strikes the central nervous system and brings on choking, convulsions (抽搐) and inability to swallow liquids. It can even cause death. If you or anyone in your family is bitten by dog, cat or other animal, you should not panic, but thoroughly wash the wound with plenty of soap and water and rush to nearby hospital for immediate treatment. If you own the animal which did the biting, you should immediately call a veterinarian for advice and make sure the public health authorities know when and where the biting took place and who was bitten.

  ( )63. Rabies is a kind of disease which ________.

  A. causes heart attack

  B. hurt one‘s legs

  C. causes nerve-centre problem and breathing problem

  D. strikes one‘s brain

  ( )64. If a person is bitten by some kind of animal, you ________.

  A. should be panic

  B. should take him (her) to a big hospital right away

  C. should help to clean the wound and ask the patient to have a good rest at home

  D. should help to clean the wound and then take him (her) to a nearby hospital quickly as possible.

  ( )65. Which is the best title of the passage?

  A. What a Rabies? B. The Horrible Rabies

  C. What Are Animal Bites? D. How to Control Rabies




  Linda:Hello! This is Linda speaking.

  Chris:Hello, Linda, this is Chris. _______66________ this Friday evening?

  Linda:Yes, why?

  Chris:There‘s a good concert, and I’ve got two tickets. I wonder ________67_______.

  Linda:That‘s great! _________68_________?

  Chris:7 o‘clock. But how about _________69__________ at 6:45?

  Linda:OK. I think I can make it.

  Chris:After the concert, ________70_________, shall we?

  Linda:Wonderful! Why don‘t we go to a Chinese restaurant?

  Chris:Why not? OK, see you Friday.

  Linda:See you then. Bye!








  1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C


  6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.D

  11.D 12.D 13.D 14.D 15.C

  16.A 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.B

  21.B 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.B

  26.D 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.B


  31.C 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.D

  36.B 37.A 38.D 39.B 40.B

  41.A 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.A

  46.C 47.B 48.D 49.A 50.D


  51.A 52.A 53.B 54.C 55.D

  56.C 57.B 58.C 59.D 60.B

  61.C 62.D 63.C 64.D 65.B


  66.Are you free

  Do you have time

  67.if you can go (to the concert) with me

  68.What time (/When) does it start (/begin)

  69.meeting at the entrance

  70.we‘ll go to a restaurant for supper

  we‘ll eat at a restaurant

  we‘ll have supper in a restaurant


Our Good Example

  Yang Li is the monitor of Class One, Senior Two. He studies very hard and is the best student in our class. He is good at Chinese, physics and chemistry, but enjoys English and mathematics best. He can speak English fluently. After school he often helps his classmates with their lessons. Whenever someone is absent from school because of illness, he will go to his house to help him with the missed lessons.

  He is not only a good student, but also an active sportsman. He likes several kinds of sports. He often plays football after class. He is on the school swimming team, too.

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