1) 下面的哪个包包含由MIDP支持的GUI组件?P3.5
1. javax.microedition.MIDlet 2. javax.microedition.io
3. javax.microedition.rms 4. javax.microedition.lcdui
2) 思考下面的代码:
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
public class Hello extends MIDlet
private Display Exhibit;
private Form show;
public Hello()
Exhibit = Display.getDisplay(this);
show = new Form("Name");
public void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException
public void pauseApp()
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
1. StringItem strIt = new StringItem(" ", "Msg"); StringItem.append(strIt);
2. StringItem strIt = new StringItem(" ", "Msg"); show.append(strIt);
3. show = new StringItem(" ", "Msg"); StringItem.append(strIt);
4. StringItem strIt = new StringItem(" ", "Msg"); StringItem.append(show);
3) 你正在为一个银行程序开发一个MIDlet。当客户向银行发送一个请求时,一个进程指示将一直显示,直到请求被处理完为止。进程指示应该被嵌入到form组件中。下面 的哪个方法可以在设备屏幕上显示进程指示?P4.16
1. public void showGauge() { Form form = new Form(“Gauge”); Gauge gauge = new Gauge (“Progress”, false, 100, 0); form.append (gauge); Display display = Display.getDisplay(this); display.setCurrent(form); }
2. public void showGauge() { Gauge gauge = new Gauge (“Progress”, false, 100, 0); Display display = Display.getDisplay(this); display.setCurrent(gauge); }
3. public void showGauge() { Form form = new Form(“Gauge”); Gauge gauge = new Gauge (“Progress”, false, 100, 0); form.append (gauge); Display.setCurrent(form); }
4. public void showGauge() { Form form = new Form(“Gauge”); Gauge gauge = new Gauge (“Progress”, false, 100, 0); form.append (gauge); Display display = Display.getCurrent(form); display.setCurrent(gauge); }
4) 在J2ME中,下面的哪个包可以使用网络连接?P3.4
1. javax.microedition.midlet
2. javax.microedition.lcdui
3. javax.microedition.io
4. java.io
5) 思考下面的陈述:
1. 陈述A是正确的,陈述B是错误的。 2. 陈述A是错误的,陈述B是正确的。
3. 两个陈述都是正确的。 4. 两个陈述都是错误的。
6) 你正在编写连接到Web服务器上运行的一个servlet的MIDlet代码。MIDlet的代码段如下所示:
public void connhandler()
HttpConnection con = null;
display("Obtaining Connection from Server..." );
con = MyHttpConnection.connect(url, this );
display("Connecting to the server..." );
int response = con.getResponseCode();
if( response == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK )
StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer();
// Here's where you read the data.
// This case expects an integer
// followed by zero or more
// strings.
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(con.openInputStream() );
int n = din.readInt();
while( n-- > 0 )
text.append(din.readUTF() );
text.append( '"n' );
catch( IOException e )
done("Your current balance:"n" + text.toString() );
done("Unexpected return code: " + rc );
catch( IOException e )
done( "Exception " + e + " trying to connect." );
1. Unexpected return code: 500
2. Unexpected return code: 302
3. Unexpected return code: 303
4. Exception java.io.IOException trying to connect
7) 一个文本文件包含几行文本,一个在MIDlet和文本文件之间的连接已经被建立。下面的哪个代码段将打开一个输入连接并每次从这个文本文件中获取一行文本?P5.12
1. InputStream ins = null; ins = connect.openInputStream(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int i; while ((i=ins.read())!= -1) { if (i!='"n') { buffer.append(i); } }
2. InputStream ins = null; ins = connect.openInputStream(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int i; while ((i=ins.read())!= -1) { if (i!='"n') { buffer.append((char)i); } }
3. InputStream ins = null; ins = connect.openOutputStream(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int i; while ((i=ins.read())!= -1) { if (i!='"n') { buffer.append((char)i); } }
4. InputStream ins = null; ins = connect.openInputStream(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); char i; while ((i=ins.read())!= -1) { if (i!='"n') { buffer.append((char)i); } }
8) 确定javax.microedition.io包的类。P3.4
1. Connector 和 ConnectionNotFoundException 2. InputStream 和OutputStream
3. DataInput 和 DataOutput 4. DataInputStream 和 DataOutputStream
9) RecordEnumeration接口定义了下面的哪个方法?P7.4
1. enumerateRecords() 2. getRecord() 3. nextRecord() 4. addRecord()
10) 代码段如下所示:(19)
byte[] ba = new byte[50];
int nob = rs.getRecord (id, ba, 0);
byte[] ba = null;
ba = rs.getRecord (id);
byte[] ba = new byte[50];
ba = rs.getRecord (id);
byte[] ba = null;
int nob = rs.getRecord (id, ba);
1. 仅代码段1和代码段3 2. 仅代码段2和代码段4
3. 代码段2、代码段3和代码段4 4. 代码段1、代码段2和代码段3
11) SaveMyMoney银行为他们的客户介绍移动银行业务。有一个应用程序使用名为checks.db的记录存储,使客户方便的记录所有提交到银行的单据。你能够使用下面哪段代码获取checks.db中的列举对象?P7.10
1. public void getEnum() { RecordStore rs; rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(“checks”, true); rs = RecordStore.enumerateRecords (null, null, false); }
2. public void getEnum() { RecordEnumeration re; RecordStore rs; rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(“checks”, true); re = rs.enumerateRecords (null, null, false); }
3. public void getEnum() { RecordStore rs; rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(“checks”, true); RecordEnumeration re = RecordEnumeration.enumerateRecords (null, null, false); }
4. public void getEnum() { RecordEnumeration re; RecordStore rs; rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(“checks”, true); rs = re.enumerateRecords (null, null, false); }