"Ethics should be left to philosophers and theologians; making money is what business is all about."
"It all boils down to this: What goes around, comes around!"
"Someone once said that no good deed goes unpunished, and that is certainly true when it comes to the motives of a business leader."
"The reality is that if Google can get away with it, then it's ethical."
九、前面提到,影响GMAT作文评分的因素之一是:文章的organization。那么是否有必要在复习备考的过程中准备organizational template来应对写作呢?
回答:organizational template在一定程度上来说是很有用的。对于AI,主要是考察你的分析能力,并且讨论观点的pros and cons。在组织AI的过程中,应该注意一下两个问题:
1.每一段你需要讨论一个distinct reason,并且论证
每个模板,每一段都应该至支持你的作文的main point的,其中可以通过相关的例子和结论来论证你的观点。每一个template都必须包括的内容:问题的brief introductory、brief concluding、summary、paragraph。
对于AA来说,使用模板是比较好的。每一段讨论一个distinct problem。题目中的很多问题是都含有不确定的assumption,需要推理论证。每一段之间应该具有逻辑关系。这并不是重点,在很多情况下,你可以通过argument的顺寻进行讨论。
抛开上面的叙述。对你的essay使用模板是很危险的,特别是一些fill-in-the-blank template。这样的方法很死板,一篇用template写的essay没有针对性。GMAT评分人员能够很敏感的察觉到你的essay是通过template来写的,扣分可是不会手软的。
相比之下,更多的阅读GMAT essay是比较好的做法。搜集尽可能多的essay,通过大量的阅读,了解其中关于某一个topic的content, organization, writing style, transition and rhetorical phases etc.。通过阅读大量的well-written essay,它会潜移默化的影响你的写作。通过悉心领会essay中的精髓,学习其中的推理,你会内化其中的很多东西。
"The argument depends on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions, which render it wholly unpersuasive."
"Unless the author provides better evidence that..., I cannot be convinced that..."
"Even if the author can substantiate all of the foregoing assumptions,..."
"In sum, the argument is unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen it the author must..."
"I agree with the statement only insofar as..."
"Admittedly, the statement is not without merit — in that"
"However, the speaker ignores countervailing considerations which, considered together, render the speaker's position largely indefensible...."
"In the final analysis, ... can be determined only on a case-by-case basis, taking into account..."
"The statement is fundamentally wrongheaded because it ignores..."